Hello I'm Dr. Gianna Hanly

I'm a Dentist with a Specialization in Oral Implant Rehabilitation and Dental Cosmetics. 

My work philosophy involves knowing the patient's needs to design a treatment plan tailored to their personality and facial characteristics.

English is my first language. An appointment with me is more than a simple visit to the dentist, it is an experience. When caring for my patients, I seek to create a comfortable and easy environment for them.

I am passionate about planning and designing custom smiles through photography, digital radiographic examination, and clinical exams. My treatment services include dental veneers, dental crowns, brightening tooth color, teeth alignment, composites, treating bruxism symptoms and restoring titanium implants.

Have you dreamed of smiling with fullness and confidence? If so, I will do everything possible to achieve it.​

My Professional Journey

  • Founder and Prosthodontist Dentist - Since 2020 at MaDenta Dental Clinic Panama.
  • Master in Maxillofacial Radiology - 2023 UIC Barcelona.
  • Creator of Ecopillo - 2019 Bamboo toothbrush brand.
  • Dentistry and Oral Rehabilitation - 2013 to 2019 at Clinic Ford Panama.
  • Oral Rehabilitation/Prosthodontics Degree - 2012 CES Medellin University.
  • Bachelor of Dentistry - 2008 Universidad Latina de Panama.


  • Adhesive Ceramic Restorations - Planning Strategy with Dr. Milko Villarroel, Curitiba- Brazil 2013.
  • Rotation at Michigan University “United Nations Event” 2012.
  • Quintessence Dental Ceramics Symposium (Los Angeles, California 2013).
  • DSD Digital Smile Design (Dr. Christian Coachman 2014).
  • Dental Ceramic Week Costa Rica (Dr. Ed Mclaren 2015).

How do I treat my patients?


My first intent is the comfort and ease of my patients with true honest dentistry. 


I consider multiple solutions to create specific options for each patient.


My goal is to create pleasant bonds with my patients. A good laugh and listening to good music. 

Come visit Panama and get the best dental treatments while you are here. 

I am happy to help with any dental concerns or inquiries you may have. Write me and email and feel free to send photos or x-rays on hand. 

Why Panama?

Panama is a Central American country known for its iconic Panama Canal. Surrounded by two oceans with the most amazing beaches. Due to its global influences, Panama boasts a thriving economy and lush natural landscapes that attract visitors and investors alike.

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